The Assembly of Heads of State and Government will receive a report from the Council on the management and resolution of a crisis in Niger with implications for ECOWAS countries and continental unity.
COMMITTEE ON DEMOCRACY, GOVERNANCE AND HUMAN RIGHTS (The Committee on Democracy, Governance and Human Rights may submit to the Assembly of Heads of State and Government one consolidated resolution on each of the two agenda topics. The consolidated resolution on each topic will be based on draft resolutions on specific topics and sub-topics previously submitted according to the rules.)
1.Silencing the guns through building resilient democracies and accountable governance.
2.Entrenching universal principles of Human Rights, Gender Equality, Justice, and the Rule of Law: Aspirations and Implementation.
COMMITTEE ON ECONOMIC MATTERS (The Committee on Economic Matters may submit to the Assembly of Heads of State and Government one consolidated resolution on each of the two agenda topics. The consolidated resolution on each topic will be based on draft resolutions on specific topics and sub-topics previously submitted according to the rules.)
1. Leveraging Africa’s economic power in the global economy and strengthening Africa’s role in global trade negotiations.
2. Identifying, confronting, and overcoming issues in establishing the African Continental Free Trade Area and the Free Movement of People.
COMMITTEE ON SOCIAL MATTERS (The Committee on Social Matters may submit to the Assembly of Heads of State and Government one consolidated resolution on each of the two agenda topics. The consolidated resolution on each topic will be based on draft resolutions on specific topics and sub-topics previously submitted and sponsored according to the rules.)
1.The youth in African development: education, employment, entrepreneurship and engagement.
2. Empowering the African woman and eliminating all forms of violence and discrimination (social, economic, political) against women and girls: aspirations and implementation.
COMMITTEE ON PAN-AFRICANISM AND CONTINENTAL UNITY (The Committee on Pan-Africanism and Continental Unity may submit to the Assembly of Heads of State and Government one consolidated resolution on each of the two agenda topics. The consolidated resolution on each topic will be based on draft resolutions on specific topics previously submitted and sponsored according to the rules.)
1. Entrenching Pan-Africanism by Promoting the Common history, Destiny, and Heritage of Africa: Aspirations and Implementation
2. The role of the Diaspora in achieving the goals of Agenda 2063: Definition of Role, Policies, and Programs for Implementation.
COMMITTEE ON PEACE AND SECURITY (The Peace and Security Committee may submit to the Assembly of Heads of State and Government one consolidated resolution on agenda topic 1 and one resolution on each sub-topic of item 2, that is a separate resolution for each of 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 2E, 2F, and 2G. The consolidated resolution on each topic and sub-topic will be based on draft resolutions previously submitted and sponsored according to the rules.)
1. Operationalizing the African Standby Force: A Protocol for Post conflict Reconstruction, Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration (DDR) and Security Sector Reform to Prevent and Combat Terrorism and Violent Extremism.
2. Conflict Management and Resolution in:
a. Somalia
b. SADR/Morocco
d. Ethiopia/Eritrea
e. Cameroon
f. Central African Republic
g. Al-Qaeda in the Sahel
1. Debate and Adoption of Final Resolutions
2. Closing Ceremony and Adjournment