The simulation of the African Union shall be as follows:
1. Each participating university represents one or more A.U. Member State and sends delegations to the Model;
2. Each delegation consists of a faculty advisor and no more than seven delegates);
3. Preparatory material for the conference shall be available online
4. Classroom instruction and individual delegate research will supplement the preparatory material prior to arrival in Washington;
5. On arrival in Washington, each delegation shall be briefed by the Embassy of the country it represents or by the African Union Mission to the United States;
6. The Director shall appoint officers of the committees and council;
7. The Secretariat will designate professors to serve as Faculty Advisors in each organ of the Model AU. The Faculty Advisors shall assist the student presiding officers in the running of the meeting as necessary;
8. The Model is a simulation by the delegates of the deliberations of the A.U. and in regional organizations as they take place at its meetings, through debates, lobbying, caucusing, etc. in the various commissions and organs of the A.U.;
9. Delegations will endeavor to accurately portray the character of their chosen countries and as representatives of sovereign states will at all times comport themselves appropriately. The officers will at all times maintain the decorum of an international meeting;
10. Certificates of participation shall be awarded to all delegates. In addition, there are competitive awards recognizing excellence in representation and leadership;
11. The award of academic credit for the Model is entirely at the discretion of the academic registrars of participating institutions.